Range Mask is an addition to the local adjustment tools (Adjustment Brush, Graduated Filter, and Radial Filter) in Lightroom Classic (and Camera Raw 10.x) that provides a way to fine-tune the area being adjusted by…
View More Exploring Range Mask OptionsTag: Develop
Intermediate/Advanced Level Lightroom Image Editing Tutorial
Hi, gang — happy Friday! Today we’re doing a start to finish, before/after type of tutorial start with the RAW image out of the camera, and taking it through to the final image. You can download…
View More Intermediate/Advanced Level Lightroom Image Editing TutorialBefore/After Intermediate Level Lightroom Tutorial
This one is for you intermediate-level users out there, and in the video, I move at that pace assuming you’re already familiar enough with the Develop Module basics. Hope you find it helpful. Well, there…
View More Before/After Intermediate Level Lightroom TutorialWhy Sometimes in Lightroom You Can’t Choose a White Balance Preset
This is one I get asked a lot – usually, you go to the White Balance pop-up menu, and you see a list of various white balance presets to choose from (seen below), but sometimes you…
View More Why Sometimes in Lightroom You Can’t Choose a White Balance Preset