Here are 10 I use everyday to speed my work and get things done. Here we go:
- If you don’t like the area where the Spot Removal tool chose as the source for your spot removal, press the ‘ / ‘ key (slash) and it will choose a different area to sample from.
- To change the brush size of Lightroom’s Adjustment Brush; the Left Bracket key on your keyboard makes the brush size smaller; the right bracket makes it larger.
- To change the color of the Mask Overly from its default tint of red, press Shift-O (each time you press it, it toggle to the next color).
- Hold the Shift key, then Double-click the Whites and Blacks slider to have Lightroom automatically set your white and black points for you
- To reset all your Adjustment Brush sliders back to zero, all at once, double-click directly on the word “Effects” near the top of the panel.
- To temporarily hide all the panels, press Shift-Tab.
- To see just one panel at a time (instead of constantly scrolling through a list of panels) right-click in the title bar of any panel and choose “Solo Mode.”
- To see a side-by-side before/after of your edited image, press the letter “y” on your keyboard. To return back to the regular view, just press ‘y” again.
- To see how you image would look in Black & White, press the letter “v” on your keyboard. If you want it back in color again, just press “v” again.
- To hide the gray toolbar that appears below your image, press the letter ‘t.’ You can toggle this on/off temporarily by pressing and holding ‘t.’
Hope you find those useful (I sure do).
Next week, it’s “The Photoshop Conference”
Hard to believe it’s just a little over a week to go, but this is going to be HUGE and I want you to be a part of it. Check out this short video trailer below to see if it’s right for you:
These are the dates:
Tuesday and Wednesday | July 14-15, 2020
This live-streamed event is open to everyone, everywhere, and you can register today at https://kelbyonelive.com/photoshop-conference – sign up right now to get the best pricing.
Have a great Monday (stop snickering), stay safe; look out for each other, and we’ll see you online.
The post 10 Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts I Use Every Day appeared first on Lightroom Killer Tips.