Article I – Duties of the Directors

  1. The president shall preside at Board meetings and all General Meetings of the Society; shall undertake the duties of the Treasurer relating to the financial obligations of the Society, in the event of the Treasurer’s inability to fulfill such duties; and shall delegate responsibilities among other officers as appropriate.2
  2. The Vice-President shall act for the President in his/her absence, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President.
  3. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all General Meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors; shall be responsible for all notices of Board and General meetings.
  4. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for publication and distribution of the Society’s newsletter, annual report and program brochure and 4 all mailings to members and for keeping a file of correspondence of the Society.
  5. The Treasurer shall receive and hold the funds of the Society; shall write checks on behalf of the Society, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors; shall maintain a complete and current membership roster.
  6. The Directors-at-Large shall act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors.
  7. The Group Chairpersons4 shall be responsible for the Special Interest Groups programs and the maintenance of a written account thereof.
  8. The Membership Chairperson4 shall be responsible for identifying prospective members and assisting with membership application: shall assist Treasurer, as required. in maintaining the Society’s membership roster.3
  9. The Newsletter editor shall be responsible for producing4 a periodic informational newsletter of the Society, which includes results of the monthly competitions. and for securing advertisers and advertising fees.4
  10. The Director of Public Affairs shall correspond with media and be responsible for publicizing programs, events and other activities of the Society to the community-at-large. The Director shall also assist the Newsletter editor by soliciting and editing special feature newsletter submissions and reporting on Society programs of interest to the entire membership.4
  11. The Webmaster shall be responsible for building and maintaining the Society’s Internet website, which includes news about the society, the annual meeting schedule, contact information and such other content as deemed appropriate to promote the club and be of convenience to its members.5
  12. The Annual Report Editor shall be responsible for producing an annual report of the Society which includes the final reports of the President, the Treasurer, the Group Chairpersons and such other officers and individuals as are of interest to members. It shall also contain the final results of the competitions and a listing of the awards and recipients and an official listing of the coming year’s assigned topics.5

Article II – Standing Committees

  1. The Program Committee shall consist of the Group Chairpersons4 and such other members as may be deemed necessary. It shall be responsible for planning the year’s programs.
  2. The Editorial and Publicity Committees4 shall consist of the Newsletter editor, the Director of Public Affairs4, the Webmaster, the Annual Report Editor5 and the Corresponding Secretary and such other members as may be deemed necessary to fulfill its duties. It shall be responsible for review of prospective special features and coordination of the publication of the monthly newsletter and publicity to the community-at-large.4
  3. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed two months prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of two Directors and three other members of the Society. It shall submit to the Secretary at least one month prior to the Annual General Meeting, a list of members nominated for election to the offices of President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and two Directors-at-Large. The nominees for Group Chairpersons4 shall be obtained from the relevant Special Interest Groups.

Article III – Finance

  1. The annual subscription for regular, dual family and student members shall be established by the Board of Directors.
  2. Dues for the current fiscal year are payable October 1st to the Treasurer or his appointee.
  3. The Board may authorize the Treasurer to accept less than the full annual dues for prompt payment, for stated limited privileges or for a term of less than one year.

Article IV – Board Meetings

  1. The members of the Board shall be notified by the Recording Secretary of the time and place of Board meetings at least one week before the time of such meetings.
  2. The Order of Business shall be: a) minutes of previous meeting, b) Business arising from these minutes, c) Treasurer’s business, d) reports of Committees and Group Chairpersons4 and e) and other business.

Article V – Annual General Meeting

  1. The Order of Business shall be: a) Minutes of previous Annual General meeting, b) Business arising from these minutes, c) President’s report, d) Treasurer’s report, e) Reports of the Group Chairpersons4 f) Presentation of Awards, g) election of Officers and h) and other business.

Article VI – Amendments

  1. 1. Amendments to these By-Laws may be made at any Board meeting provided that the text of the proposed amendment has been included in writing in the notice of the meeting.

Adopted this 24th day of May. 1961

1 Amended February, 1979
2 Amended April, 1986
3 Amended April, 1991
4 Amended May 5, 1993
5 Amended Jan 21, 2015